Sex offender parolees not required to post ‘do not disturb’ signs on Halloween

Last year, a Chula Vista sex offender parolee was instructed to post a “do not disturb” sign in front of his residence on Halloween night to ward off trick-or-treaters.

What followed was a lawsuit filed by the California Reform Sex Offender Laws organization, as well as the parolee in San Diego County and another in Los Angeles. The policy, they argued, violated their civil rights and put their safety at risk.

Posting signage was never part of existing policy, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which recently issued a memorandum to its staff reminding them of directives for sex offender parolees on Halloween. Full Article


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290’s – 1
CDCR – 0

Oh so now these quaint, weak, excuses for humans are afraid of clowns and want laws to stop them. Whats wrong, dont like being treated like a sex offender. I guess bannng clown outfits on halloween will be next. These people need mental help, including psychiatry. The phrase, “land of the free and the brave” should be stricken from the anthem permanently. The sad part is they pay legislators and judges to spread their mental illness legally.

Congrats Janice and Team on another win!

They will all start listening and visibility of the newly formed renamed


Our lives would be hell without your efforts, Janice!

One online news station is re-publishing now incorrect information concerning this matter.

Since I do not have a facebook account, nor do I ever want one, i cannot publish a rebuttal at:

ha this clown thing is hilarious….your absolutely right that land of the free and home of the brave should be stricken from our anthem..bunch of weirdo cowards in this country and it’s sad their little fragile minds can actually have effect on how our officials and the public react to crap like this…..go get em clowns scare the crap out of little Suzy and Joey….these weirdos that are afraid of their own shadows better GPS tag their kids teach them how to use and carry guns and have them followed around by bodyguards or tethered to their parents leg until their little precious is at 25….these clowns should organize and call their little escapades operation boo..lmfao….wow just woooow…anyways thank god we have you and your team here in cali or like roger said our lives would be hell like those poor souls in the third world country known as Florida…..I wouldn’t be able to go to college,couldn’t visit any parks or countless other places and couldn’t live in probably 90% or more of the state….I have a feild trip with my geology class next week to point Reyes ca and wouldn’t be able to legally go if it wasn’t for you janice and your team..I know I complain and i wuestion tactics and motives and am a nuisance to alot of people sometimes but I am extreemly greatfull to you for what you have done for us all in cali and for me personally because of your actions… far as this signage issue…it sure seems almost synonymous with the public notification provisions in the registration scheme since public notification does the exact same thing as the signage just not as blatantly….I believe we have another equal protection issue here with more evidence that if you can’t apply this crap on even parolees without it violating the constitutional rights then it sure as hellll cant be applied to people who are supposed to be free and have done their time…..

this is the kind of crap we need just to show the few sane people we have left in this country how ridiculous and laughable this hysteria actually is….god i hope they keep it up….its not even about the prank anymore now its about the principles that we live in a goddddamnnnn free country or supposed to and that if someone wants to run around in a freaking clown suite all day long everyday unless their actually committing a crime then thats their personal choice….so tired of the big nanny gov telling us what we can or cant do and protecting us all from ourselfs….get the hell out of our bussiness and go fight some real gangbanger shooting,robbing,carjacking,homeinvading,drug carteling, turf warring, kid killing, drunk driving,murdering, gunslinging homicidal maniacs, and stop bothering the low hanging, non violent, hurting no body else, drug addicted or using, prostituting, normal everday john just wanting to get laid, non threatning, everyday guy or girl…..thats all you see on cops is busted prostitution or drug using everyday people